Caza Saikaley’s James Plotkin in new International Arbitration Third-Party Funding Handbook
March 12, 2018 - adcaza

On March 23, 2018 in Vienna, Austria, Juris Publishing will launch its latest arbitration-related publication: Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration. The book offers general and country-specific information on third-party funding in both commercial and investor-state matters.
Caza Saikaley’s James Plotkin co-authored the chapter addressing third-party funding in Canada as it applies to both litigation and international and domestic arbitration. He will be on-hand at the book launch in Vienna on the occasion of the 25th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Competition, in which he both sits as arbitrator and coaches the defending world-champion University of Ottawa team. Congratulations to James on this accomplishment!
Caza Saikaley stands at the ready to assist clients with all international and domestic arbitration matters. Our skilled team will apply our general and subject-matter specific expertise to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
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